SoVTA offers memberships through the Catamount Trail Association in winter and the Vermont Mountain Bike Association during the summer. The Money earned through these memberships go directly to the purchase of equipment, tools, maintenance, insurance that covers our members, volunteers, users and the landowners without whom this network would not be possible.
Individual Memberships

Every individual member will receive the Catamount Trail Rewards Book filled with over 80 coupons good for half price and discount skiing at most Vermont nordic and alpine resorts, as well as discounts at numerous specialty retailers and other Vermont businesses. Member will also be entiltled to entrance to SoVTA events and parties.

Individual membership has its benefits……over 100 of them!
Using even one of these benefits can cover the cost of your membership, here are a few you’ll enjoy, downhill MTB passes, lodging discounts, bike shop discounts and much more
Family Memberships

Family members will receive the Catamount Trail Rewards Book filled with over 80 coupons good for half price and discount skiing at most Vermont nordic and alpine resorts, as well as discounts at numerous specialty retailers and other Vermont businesses. Member will also be entitled to entrance to SoVTA events and parties. Family members receive (2) membership rewards booklets and membership cards.

Family membership has its benefits……over 100 of them!
Using even one of these benefits can cover the cost of your membership, here are a few you’ll enjoy, downhill MTB passes, lodging discounts, bike shop discounts and much more