How To Get Involved
Trail Stewards
As our trail network continues to expand we are looking for people to help us keep track of the health of our trails and backcountry zones. Contrary to popular belief we do not get to spend all of our time on the trails or out touring, so we look to you our users and members to help us identify any issues.
A trail steward’s main task will to be hike or ride their assigned trail/trails and or back country zone and report back. They may also be asked to help with trail work. Stewards will be provided with a checklist to identify the following potential issues:
- Identify locations of blow downs or hanging trees.
- Erosion problems or blocked drainage.
- Missing or lacking signage.
- Parking Lot issues.
- Misuse or vandalism.
- Act as a public face for the organization of the trails.
Volunteer Trail Work
This summer and fall SoVTA has several trail projects that we are looking for volunteers to help with trail tread work alongside our trail crew. We are going to building new trails and rehabbing older trails in the Town of Dover and Stratton. Volunteers should be capable of:
- Hiking at least 2 miles
- Be able to carry at least 25 pounds.
- Can comfortably traverse non trailed terrain.
- Can take direction from Crew Leaders
- Playing in the dirt
- Enjoying time in the outdoors
If you are interested in potentially helping out with these projects or you think there are other ways you can contribute please Contact Us